Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Hi. Don't say hi back. Talking to a machine is mental. 

This is officially my first post. This blog will contain my ramblings but more importantly innumerable amounts of information that will not change your life in any way. Think of it as "Jika Jika meets Selimatunzi: The Pantomime". I've always wanted to be a world renowned writer but my parents have always encouraged me to get a "real job" so I have resorted to this instead. Blogs are cool, because unlike bbm, I'll never know whether anyone has read this or not. I would like you to travel with me on this epic journey where we, and by we, I mean I, will analyse the state of our nation through various analogies. 
Fear not my minions, future post will actually be interesting.

I would like to end off by telling you that you've just wasted 43 seconds of your life by reading this, 65 if you went to a government school and 123 if you went through Bantu education.
Ta. Till the next webisode.

If you have any suggestion on future posts, please mail me @suckmyballs.com.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha....u iz craze!
    I think i'll enjoy this. Perhaps add #DouchebagDiaries...would have sent it to your email addy but my dad put up a Mail Marshall that doesn't allow words like Balls, Suck, Leaks...u get the picture
